LOS ANGELES, CA - In anticipation for the forthcoming 2013 NAMM Show, Antiquity Music premieres the Wheelharp, a groundbreaking keyboard musical instrument that gives the player the ability to orchestrate a full chromatic scale of sixty-one (61) actual bowed strings at one's own fingertips, almost like having a real chamber string orchestra at hand.
With an exotic Victorian profile, curved keyboard, and stunning rosette appointments, the instrument's appearance is equally as breathtaking as its audible character. It utilizes a patent-pending action to translate the player's subtle fingerings into a range of bowing intensities, and comes equipped with a full damper system and an electronic pickup system, allowing individuals to sculpt astonishingly beautiful and complex sounds.
The Wheelharp is available in a Radial Model (curved keyboard) and a Linear Model (traditional straight keyboard), and in several ranges. Art case options are available upon request.
More information on the Wheelharp can be found at www.antiquitymusic.com or by contacting Antiquity Music at info@antiquitymusic.com.
The exclusive manufacturer and distributor of the Wheelharp, Antiquity Music, LLC, is a boutique vintage and antique musical instrument retailer and manufacturer based in Los Angeles, California